Jasa desain kaos online | Rage Against The Machine - The Battle Of Los Angeles Vinyl LP | www.seharijadi.com

Rage Against The Machine The Battle Of Los Angeles Vinyl LP Rage Against the Machine's third effort, Battle of Los Angeles is arguably the group's most focused and explosive album of their career. Tom Morello and company match Zach de la Rocha's political venom here with equal musical aplomb and they never take their foot off the gas. Battle of Los Angeles was nominated for the 2001 Grammy Award for Best Rock Album and the single "Guerrilla Radio" won for Best Hard Rock Performance. Rage Against The Machine The Battle Of Los Angeles Track Listi

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Source by afox0866
Jasa desain kaos online | Rage Against The Machine - The Battle Of Los Angeles Vinyl LP | www.seharijadi.com Jasa desain kaos online | Rage Against The Machine - The Battle Of Los Angeles Vinyl LP | www.seharijadi.com Reviewed by Cino Pokil on 09.25 Rating: 5
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